Albacete, September 12: Differing ways to triumph

There are different ways for people to succeed in this difficult world of toreo, one that features both artistry and bravery. Today, reacting to their circumstances, Miguel Ángel Perera chose one way and Juan Leal another.

Perera’s first La Palmosilla bull was, like its companions, well-presented, but it offered little likelihood of success, showing a strong preference for a querencia en tablas from before it met the picador. Miguel Ángel managed some verónicas and a media con pies juntos and began the faena with the muleta in his left hand. Indeed, the naturales improved over time, but passing the animal on its right horn proved more difficult and eventually Perera killed, strangely using an estoque about two-thirds of the sword’s normal length. The bull was taken out to pitos, while its matador took saludos from the callejón.

His second bull was not a strong animal except in terms of its desire to attack the cloth. After the opening verónicas and a quite of chicuelinas, Miguel Ángel could see it had possibilities for the faena. He has a long history of involvement with Albacete, including giving the pregón and being the only matador to take on all six bulls in the city’s charitable Corrida de Asprona, and it must have hurt when he was omitted from the 2022 feria’s carteles. Armed with the muleta, he constructed a superb faena (it was later adjudged the best of this year’s feria), citing the bull from a distance before capturing it in series of close, linked and templados passes. It was a magnificent statement of artistry and ability. The estocada brought a quick death and a very happy looking Perera circled the arena with the bull’s two ears.

By this time, Juan Leal, brought back to Albacete after his terrific showing here last year, had already cut an ear from his first palmosilla. Although his faena to this animal had resulted in a majority petition, his performance hadn’t impressed this spectator, containing as it did ugly positioning and messy adjusted passes as well as other muletazos where there was some distance between bull and man. The parts of his faena that involved close work with the animal - circulares and some extended embroques, together with an effective sword to the lungs, brought the oreja.

Come his second bull, the Frenchman was determined to accompany Perera out on shoulders at the corrida’s end. What a pity, then, that the animal was weak and barely mobile. No matter; “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain.” Leal constructed a faena of risky arrimón and desplantes, daring the bull to catch him. It was a faena of honesty and valor, but not a pretty one - an example of what I have previously termed the beast in Leal rather than the beauty. Whilst some in the audience grew irritated as Leal continued this display at length, once an excellent estocada was delivered, most spectators petitioned for an ear to be granted and Leal’s wish for a triumphal exit was achieved.

Today’s other matador on the cartel, Ginés Marín, may as well not have been there. His first palmosilla dramatically splintered the edge of a burladero on its entry to the ring and later launched into two unplanned varas. Ginés began its faena with half-kneeling passes and then, standing, produced derechazos and naturales, but, despite his undoubted capacity and ability to dominate, only one series drew an animated response from the spectators. Three swordthrusts and an aviso concluded the lidia. Marín moved the muleta to his left hand early on in his second faena, but again things never really took off and the swordwork was poor. There was a division of opinions over the bull’s merits, while its matador received palmas.


Murcia, September 13: A post-feria fiesta


Albacete, September 11: A similar result, but for different reasons